When you were a young child, didn’t summer seem to last to forever? Ok maybe it’s true now that I am over 50 and inching toward the other side of the rainbow. It literally feels faster. One good thing about the passage of time is that time heals, especially after experiencing loss or sadness.
Don’t we want to make the best of time and spend it doing what we want and what makes us happiest no matter what age? Based on obligations, work and general everyday tasks that are required of us, how much time is left?
Time will be different for everyone and when you REALLY pay attention to where you spend your time you will find out the answer to this. Let’s say you go to work, go through your email, read the paper, read a book, take a shower, sleep, do the laundry, cook the dinner, run an errand, pack your lunch, go to the gym, go to the doctor, walk the dog, run into the grocery store, pay your bills, help with the homework, make a decision, answer a call…. how long do these things take?

Use your smart phone to help time these daily tasks by putting the timer on or by checking when you begin and finish each task, forcing you to be more realistic. Now knowing what you know, what do you want to do and what can you eliminate?
Don’t feel badly about planning or scheduling reading time, spa time, nail time, meditation time, nothing at all time, vacation or staycation time, girlfriend or guy friend time because that is truly living time. It’s not existing and just flying through your days time.
I have one request; allow yourself some daily organizing time, maybe only 10 minutes. Whether it’s going through the mail, or thinning out your kitchen junk draw or putting away your clothes. Take note of items not being worn and toss out or donate.
This habit along with your renewed time management will help you keep things in their place and keep you up to date. You can coast a bit now without guilt, you can choose to do nothing or do more of what you want everyday.
Like the Rolling Stones say “time waits for no one”.
Have a neat time today!