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  • Where do I start?
    Putting like things together in 10-15 minute increments to start. (Example: one drawer)
  • How do I make a decision?
  • How many piles do I make?
    One to keep One to throw away One for others to enjoy or donate One to recycle / for consignment / for yard sale One to put in a labeled box and revisit in one year (if needed)
  • What is the vision and purpose for the life and the home I want?
    Continue to ask that question while going through possessions and/or when considering buying (even if on sale). How does it fit in?
  • How long do I have to keep records?
    Please review the following
  • What records do I keep forever?
    Diplomas, academic records, portfolio work, and adoption papers. Check with for more information.
  • How do I stay organized?
    Go through the mail and discard daily. Remember your place for stuff and visit daily. Reinforce organizing by handling items daily.
  • What are good organizing tools?
    smart phones Post-its baggies rubber bands markers, labels, and adhesive chalk labels ever notes drawer dividers/clear containers/folders key racks/bulletin boards
  • Why get organized?
    Less stress, guilt and better time management with a place for everything.
  • How much is your clutter costing you to keep?
    The answer is a challenge! Many people feel guilty about letting go of gifts and they also feel like they will need certain items someday even if they’ve never used them. A simple way to reduce costly clutter is to say “if I am not using it, then I will give it to someone who will.”
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