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Writer's pictureMiami Neat

Pro Organizer Quarantine Observations, Tips, and Conclusions April 2020

In this twilight zone of a life we are living during this unprecedented time, this could be a pause for a reason and it’s maybe even a restart that we all needed.

The good news is we are not alone, we are all in this together! The best approach is going beyond the phrase “it is what it is.” Our job at the moment is to show up everyday, stay home if possible, social distance, wash hands, and do the best we can. We must keep our sense of humor and remember kindness to ourselves and to everyone.

For those of you who are homeschooling, I’m wishing you patience, special moments, and good experiences. Huge thanks to all the front line workers, essential businesses, and local and federal government. Everyone is facing challenges and we are all looking for comfort and peace during this uncertain period. I am counting my blessings daily and thinking of those less fortunate. I have enjoyed having my adult children home with my husband and me. I pray my stepson will stay safe while working for FedEx.

To manage my mental clutter, I have been doing the things that I enjoy such as cooking, working out, practicing yoga, being present/mindful, walking, hugging my dog, and trying to get through the day until I am able to visit clients again. This is tough for me to just be because I am a high energy person who loves to be on the go. I have determined it’s ok to not be ok and I am learning to shift my ways.

So why do I still feel compelled to do so much more with this extra time knowing my to-do list is always long? The truth is we will always have a life list and may never get to some of those things and it is ok. It’s our ability to prioritize and balance our time here that allows us to live a full and happy life. Is this spring cleaning timing giving us guilt? Abraham Hicks, an inspirational speaker and author, says “you can’t get it wrong and you’ll never get it done!” This means we should not judge ourselves during this time.

Are we supposed to be reducing our inventory in every category of our lives and organizing the whole house one little project at a time? Is it time for repurposing and changing around our furniture and decor inside and out? Yes, but start small because clutter adds to anxiety! Just do one organizing/decluttering project in a category of your choice if you haven’t already, and I give you permission to let go of what no longer serves you. Place like things together with what you are keeping. As far as donations, just put them aside until pick up/drop off is available again.

My mental list of “would like to but haven’t yet” includes: playing piano, speaking Spanish better, playing my childhood clarinet, studying art history, sketching an owl, learning a new dance, reading some books, planting a home garden, posting on my social media platforms regularly, coloring my hair successfully or doing my nails! I recommend picking one fun hobby to go along with your little organizing project.

My current excuse is I feel like the everyday anxiety associated with the fear of the unknown has been zapping some of my energy, focus, and attention for well over a month. We are experiencing an avalanche of emotions. This might be the same for all of my clients.

When do we go back to normal? Who knows. What will normal be like after the world opens? It might be great to establish some new routines based on our less stimulated lives. Our work and family time will probably permanently shift in a good way. I hope we will be clear on what is essential and trust our instincts going forward.

In essence, I’d like to leave on a positive note. Dr. Julio Frenk, President of the University of Miami and an expert in public health, was just stating how this pandemic is bigger and more dangerous to contain than the other four he advised on throughout the last few decades. This is worse because not only is it a health emergency but a fiscal one as well. Based on history we will be ok and “this too shall pass!”

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