2018 Tip of the Year
Every January 1st comes the big pressure for New Year resolutions. Everyone starts a new slate and wants to change and do things that have been put on the back burner for the last year and maybe even for the last decade. I think that is too much to ask of anyone especially after surviving the stressful holiday season. All we can expect as human beings is to balance our everyday lives and try to do better and not strive for perfection. One tip which could help everyone is to read your mail everyday!!!! Make decisions and take action!!!
How long could this take? 5-10 minutes, right? Don’t you receive a lot of junk mail? If it says “presorted standard” on upper corner – it’s not really for you, it’s for whoever will read it. LET IT GO! Stand by the garbage and TOSS IT or if it is recyclable put it in the bin to go out with recycling. If it is important or personal stuff or bills, put it where it goes to be paid or keep it in your important slot, envelope, file, in-bin, or how ever your brain is wired to remember to go back to it before your bill is late etc.

If you still receive print newspapers or magazines, cap off the read time at 3 months and then recycle and be done with it because it will begin to cloud your peaceful surroundings.
There are too many other things that we need to make decisions about everyday other than mail. Remember that simply “less is more.” It’s a proven fact that clean and less cluttered surfaces definitely give us a more peaceful feeling in our home living environments.
Why not make February 1st your realistic deadline for starting this new normal.